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Proactive Onsite & Remote Technical Support Services

Programming Console
Glowing Keyboard
Molecules Bio
Blue Texture
Surface Audio
Startup Development Team
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Computer Store


Are you still running an on-premise Exchange server?  We specialize in migrating to Office 365 and properly decommissioning the old environment.  We can also migrate your file server to a variety of cloud platforms to get your business away from the 5 year server refresh cycle.

Customer Service


Our technicians all have 15+ years of experience providing IT support services.  We staff a full time help desk technician to ensure fast repose times and use top tier remote access software for quick access to your Mac, PC or Server.


Laptop and Notebook

Proactive Scheduled Visits, that’s the secret to our success.  We assign a dedicated technician to your account and pick a day on the calendar that works for everyone.  Set it and forget it, and then contact us with anything urgent in between.  Regular onsite visits allow our staff to build rapport with yours and become an integrated part of your work flow.

Home: Service

7372 Walnut Ave Suite F
Buena Park, CA 90620




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